Photoshop is your go-to application for working with pixel-based images designed for print, web, and mobile apps. Powerful editing tools let you correct exposure and color balance, crop and straighten images, alter colors in your photograph, remove blemishes from a portrait, or combine multiple images into a new scene. 

For this project, I had to use adobe photoshop to edit myself into a movie, using different layers and a set background. I chose to use one of my favorite movies of all time, Think like a man. For this task, we had to Photoshop ourselves in a film and make it look as natural as possible, like you’re part of the movie. I had difficulties trying to edit the lighting around me to make it more natural, I was also looking too far to the left when taking the photo, this made the picture look edited, and the purpose was for it to look as natural as possible. It was still and amazing project and I had a lot of fun doing it.


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